Thursday, January 10, 2013

Letter Men

The trickling didn’t come in time with my emotions. The buzzing was instead pounding within my pulse. There was something about it that I always questioned. I tried to drive it out with the alphabet but it ended up sounding like this:
 AB&C didn’t take me very far. 

DE&F bullied me to the bridge. 

GH&I kept to themselves in my misery. 

JK&L pushed me over it, into another world. 

MN&O came to save me but were out of order with the wrong timing. 

PQ&R confused me and used me but I kept walking. 

ST&U were never really the bad guys, just conquerers of my path. 

VW&X were my makeover crew. 

Z, well we’ll just have to see. 


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Beauty and the Beast

And she looked beautiful tonight but you could see everything, feel everything under all that. With the look he gave her, her heart felt like his throat and she knew, she just knew. She'd always been the biggest actress there never was and the moment she said goodbye to him, I shook my head and knew her. I knew her... I knew her beauty and all the beast that it entailed.


Mr. Demmit

His lack of sense humoresques me, seemingly whole-heartedly, to a point where I almost felt bad (but then, I was losing myself). The smell up those stairs took me back to the days of caves on much different stairs that no longer exist. With thoughts in the same place but in different ways entirely, unable to go back in that direction.
