Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Your Letter pt.2 (which was the original inspiration for pt.1)

Dear you,
    I compose a letter to you every single day.
In my head.
I would love to write it to you,
but it's been difficult for me to find and piece together words that would kill you from the inside out.
Not cut you, nor even stab you.
I don't know if there are even enough words of the right kind to say to you.
Even if there were, and there might be, I'll resist from actually writing it out.
Well, without a name, why would it matter?
Oh, because you know the evil bitch you really are.
It's completely obvious.
At least it is from the outside.
Maybe it's just me.
Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't fall into your trap.
I feel like you know exactly how you are though.
And my bitchiness is secretive so it would be unlike me to write your letter and have you [and the whole world] know exactly what I'm talking about.
But I will say this.
Every aspect of peoples personalities that I absolutely DESPISE, you posses.
You fit the bill for the most caniving, manipulative, most flat out evil person I have ever met.
But it's hidden very well (which infuriates me even more).
Kind of like me, only people know how I can be.
You just reel them in and are irresistable.
You're a lying, backstabbing hypocrite.
I don't see everything I want to be in you.
I see eveything I HATE in you.
But there's no way I can tell you that.
I have to keep it to myself.
None of this is anywhere NEAR as vulgar as the letter that I write you in my head.
This doesn't even touch the tip of the iceburg.
One day, I vow, you'll get your letter.
And I hope it's able to cut you as deep as a letter opener stabbed into your heart would be able to.

Much love HATE,

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Your Letter pt.1

I wrote you a letter a while ago.
It was full of love.
I completely intended to give it to you but
things changed.
I wrote you another letter.
Not so long ago.
It was full of sorrow proclaimed by some anger.
Begging for your empathy.
It put you in my shoes.
You won't [or can't] read my eyes.
So your letter tries to make you see through them.
I don't have the strength to give it to you.
I suppose I'll just leave it be.
Folded up, like my feelings, floating from place to place around my room.
That's where your letter will be.

I composed a letter to you today.
Only in my head.
Actually, I do it quite more often than just today.
I can usually keep a clean slate on my face so you won't be able to read it.
Sometimes, however, you catch a glimpse of it.
I wonder how much of it you've read..
I know you haven't read anywhere near all of it.
It is full of harsh words and vulgar wishes.
If I were to read it aloud to you, we would both end up in a heap of drowning tears on the floor.
Yours , too, would put you in my shoes.
Make you look at you through my eyes.
I wonder, if you can see through my eyes, can you also hear me screaming "BITCH" at the top of my lungs to you inside my head?
Do you then feel the pressure of trying to compress all this?
It's released through your letter in my head.

I thought about writing a letter to you today.
I just sent you a short message telling you I was thinking of you.
Telling you that I shared some of our precious memories with someone else.
Then I went home and cried.
Because you didn't respond.
I want you to hold on to those memories as I do.
I feel like that's not happening.
And because I miss you.
I feel like I need you now more than ever.
I can't tell you that because I don't want to sound like a selfish, spoiled brat.
But in your letter, I tell it all.
In your letter, I'm completely selfish.
I want you.
I guess I'll have to send you your letter soon; so you'll know.

I resisted writing you a letter the other day.
I didn't want to start a fight;
for your letter would have told all.
All about your hypocrisy.
About your stubbornness, your ignorance, your inconsiderateness.
That would have been your letter.
It would have infuriated you.
My fervid words of anger seeping through the letters of my message.
But I retained it.
And since I don't have to deal with you (and your stubborn self wouldn't hear a word of it anyway),
I'll just shrug it off.
I won't waste my time on your letter.

I can't write (either of) you a letter (at all).
For when I write the outline in my head and conjure up the courage to read it to you,
you don't understand it.
You're blind of where I'm coming from.
Our lives being so intertwined makes it all the more difficult.
We end up in tears and more frustration.
We end up only a step ahead of where we began.
Sometimes, we take more steps back than we even attempted at taking forward.
But this is old news, the same ol' rhyme.
The tale as old as time.
Nothing will change with just your letter.
So I'll keep it from you.
But maybe one day,
you'll get your letter and things will be different.

I never thought of writing you a letter.
Not until recently.
So I kind of did.
I miss you in my life.
You're smile, kindness, lightness, everything-is-okay-ness.
I keep getting a picture of a photograph of us holding hands.
Just our hands.
So I guess I don't really know if it's actually yours.
But I feel that it is your hand. And I like that.
Your letter doesn't contain anger.
But it doesn't really contain love.
Maybe underlying love.
I feel like I have that.
It does contain confusion. But not to the point of frustration.
Which is nice. But you're nice. Everything about you is nice.
But it's complicated. On both ends. Facts and feelings.
Maybe I can sort it out in your letter.
I have no idea if you'll ever get it.
But I do want you to have it.
You mean a lot to me.
I'm not sure how I can show that in your letter.
Maybe I'll figure it out.
Maybe your letter will figure us out.


Should Have

I should have kissed you.
I should have held you so tight.
I should have been everything.
I should have never let you go.
I don't know why I couldn't have done all those things.
I don't know why I didn't.
I would have.
I suppose, if I could have.
I want to cry.
I want to die.
I want you.
shoulda coulda woulda doesn't do you any gooda.
I should have.
I could have.
I would have.
Give me the chance?
Or is the chance yours?
Will it be yours?
Do you want it?
Should you?
Could you?
Would you?
Paint me a picture.
Make it beautiful.
Make the brush strokes untamed and unmastered.
Give them perfect imperfection.
I should have listened.
To you.
To him.
To her.
To them.
From the start.
That you'd break my heart.
Because that's the way I feel.
And you don't have to live with these feelings.
But you should have to.
I should torture you inside.
Just the way I cried.
You weakling.
You coward.
That's all you are.
And I should have known.
It's all masked to you.
And I could have burned it.
Off of you or into you, your choice.
It will come for you.
You haven't grown.
You're stuck with yourself.
No one is on your side.
Don't you see?
That mask will only last so long.
I should have.
I could have.
I would have.


Monday, November 16, 2009

please excuse my heart;

please excuse my heart; it's trying to escape my chest, to get to you. i've tried to tell it that it already belongs to you... why doesn't it believe me? maybe because my mind isn't convinced you still want it.
please excuse my heart; it's listening to my tears... why do they have to fall? maybe they're listening to its fears.
please excuse my heart; it begs to just relax but it's paranoid of lies... why can't it just trust me? maybe because my mind seems to fall for what's not true no matter how it tries.
please excuse my heart; it longs for you i fear. its taking the hints... but can you please just make it clear?

please excuse my heart; no matter what i seem to do, i just can't make it stop loving you...

his & hers

these lips are chapped and the only thing to smooth them
are his lips pressed against them;
these hands are shanking and the only thing to keep them still
are his hands holding them;
these ears are ringing and the only thing to quiet them
is the sound of his voice soothing them;
these eyes are full of sorrow and tears and the only thing to lighten and dry them
are his eyes gazing back at them;
this skin is ice cold and the only thing to warm it
is his skin against it;
this body is weak and the only thing to hold it up
is his strength supporting it;
this head is spinning and ringing and the only thing to keep it in control
is the knowledge of his love...

Friday, November 6, 2009


she walks her dog
the rain splashes around her
the dog trots through the puddles
the drops soak through her hair; she looks like she's been in the rain for hours
she catches a glimpse of her reflection in a parked car
the dog almost runs into it

she smiles a bit to herself
will anyone believe her inner beauty?
will anyone fall in love with her; all of her; no questions asked?
could anyone ever caress her face the way the raindrops do?
the little wonders of the way she is; and the way she embraces her world
the dog pulls at the leash and she's relieved from these twisted turns of fate.
her favorite part of the rain is how the drops seem to wrap her in their water;
they're the best disguise for her tears...

&&none of this makes sense;