Tuesday, January 12, 2010

undirectional navigation

Wouldn't it be interesting if you navigated a plane using clouds as your directional?  Your road map, if you will. Follow them, be with them, swallowed by their presence. Whichever way they seem to point or lead, that's the direction in which you go. When there are no more clouds, it's time to come down from the sky. You'll never know where you'll end up. The place will never be overcast and dreary, that much you do know. But you'll begin to invite the clouds to join you; they've become your friend, you're companion. They give you a sense of familiarity, security. They're so friendly and inviting when you're among them. They seem to welcome you in their billowing, undistinguished arms. You, flying; never knowing how high up you are. Them, surrounding you, taking you completely in. You, no longer even knowing which way is up. The clouds, they're navigating you now. And you, you are finally carefree..
