Saturday, August 29, 2009

questions of trust;

do you trust? do you trust in me? do you trust in life? in friends? in love? do you trust only in what is there? or even the unseen? would you trust to walk over a rocky bridge? what if there was a net to catch you? Would you trust that one to spend the night holding you? what if you weren’t sure they would be by your side when your eyes fluttered open to the morning sun? would yo trust your instincts if something went so very wrong? What if you knew you couldn’t go wrong? what if either way something had to be sacrificed? Would you trust someone enough to pass the buck? or would you trust the situation enough to simply pass it to anyone; even one whom you have no trust in at all? Do you trust those little trust games? who would you deceive you in front of witnesses? wouldn’t they catch you now and let you fall later when it hurts so bad the ground would actually feel like a pillow? do you trust the actual potential trustworthy who are the ones that let you fall for their own amusement? do you trust promises made to you? what if they pinky promised? do you trust a person who’s broken a promise? do you trust one with a broken promise? or do you simply live on a sliver of trust for that promise based on false hope? do you trust your own heart? what about in the hands of someone elses trust? what about in the hands of the trust you have for trust? would you trust trust to hold your heart safely? or will trust just drag your heart along on the ground behind it? will trust shatter and break your heart? do you trust your heart to be strong? strong enough to hold itself together? strong enough to pull itself back together when its broken into pieces and scattered? do you trust your mind? do you trust it to protect your heart? but at the same time allow your heart to live? do you trust your mind to help your heart open up to people? what if your mind knows your heart could potentially get hurt? isn’t that just another risk you have to trust yourself to take? do you trust yourself to take that risk? do you trust love? that it even exists? who do you trust as capable of loving? do you trust yourself to love another? to be loved? even though with any love comes some pain? do you trust the love to overcome the pain? or would you simply rather not try? do you trust seeing into those eyes of love? would you trust it even if you couldn’t see it? do you trust if its real? do you trust any of this is real?
do you trust?


1 comment:

  1. I wish I could make HER trust me as I trust her.

    Or to just let it go. Trust nature will work it out?
